Common Utilities - kombu.common


Common Utilities.

  1. 2009 - 2012 by Ask Solem.

BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

class kombu.common.Broadcast(name=None, queue=None, **kwargs)

Convenience class used to define broadcast queues.

Every queue instance will have a unique name, and both the queue and exchange is configured with auto deletion.

  • name – This is used as the name of the exchange.
  • queue – By default a unique id is used for the queue name for every consumer. You can specify a custom queue name here.
  • **kwargs – See Queue for a list of additional keyword arguments supported.
kombu.common.entry_to_queue(queue, **options)
kombu.common.maybe_declare(entity, channel, retry=False, **retry_policy)

Generate a unique id, having - hopefully - a very small chance of collision.

For now this is provided by uuid.uuid4().

kombu.common.itermessages(conn, channel, queue, limit=1, timeout=None, Consumer=<class 'kombu.messaging.Consumer'>, callbacks=None, **kwargs)
kombu.common.send_reply(exchange, req, msg, producer=None, **props)
kombu.common.isend_reply(pool, exchange, req, msg, props, **retry_policy)
kombu.common.collect_replies(conn, channel, queue, *args, **kwargs)
kombu.common.insured(pool, fun, args, kwargs, errback=None, on_revive=None, **opts)

Ensures function performing broker commands completes despite intermittent connection failures.

kombu.common.ipublish(pool, fun, args=(), kwargs={}, errback=None, on_revive=None, **retry_policy)

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